Bueno salio en el SB hace un rato, pero lo dejo por aca para los que no lo conocen

Cards Against Humanity es un juego de cartas para cagarse de risa, sin mucho objetivo mas que cagarse de risa... Las partidas suelen terminar siendo bastante oscuras. Fue crowldfounded en Kickstarter hace un par de años superando un 300% lo pedido originalmente.

Estan las cartas Negras que describen una situacion con uno o un par de blanks. Las cartas Blancas tienen contenido para esos blanks.
La idea es formar oraciones locas y cagarse de risa.

Las reglas basicas.. hay un "Card Czar" que va rotando y es el que presenta la carta Negra.
Luego el resto de los participantes pasan una carta Blanca dada vuelta al Czar, sin que los otros las vean
El Czar baraja y lee cada una de las oraciones ahora completas.
Elije la mejor y el dueño de la carta se lleva el punto

Luego rota el Czar y hacen lo mismo.

Una partida con los pibes de sourcefed


Cards Against Humanity is a multiplayer party game currently available as a free download or a published hardcopy. The game is available under a Creative Commons license. Its title references the phrase "crimes against humanity", reflecting its politically incorrect content.

Cards Against Humanity was created by a group of Highland Park High School alumni as a party game for a New Year's Eve celebration. Cards Against Humanity was financed through the website Kickstarter, exceeding its funding goal by nearly 300% by the project's end on January 30, 2011. Co-creator Ben Hantoot stated in an interview with Dice Hate Me that the game was developed by "8 of us who are the core writer-creators, 5 or 6 additional 'part time' developers" and "dozens of friends and acquaintances who have played the game".
In October 2011, the game was exhibited as part of the "Big Games" area of the annual IndieCade games festival in Culver City, where the release of a first expansion was officially announced. The first expansion, which contained 100 new cards and 12 blank cards, was released in November 2011 and sold out in three days. On March 15, 2012, they re-released an updated base set as well as the first expansion and sold out almost immediately, becoming the top two products in Amazon.com's Toys & Games category in the process. The second expansion set was released in August 2012 at PAX Prime and included 25 new black cards, 75 new white cards, and 12 blank cards. The third expansion pack was announced via email from the Cards Against Humanity team on March 22, 2013 during PAX East. Like the second expansion pack, it included 25 new black cards, 75 new white cards, and 12 blank cards.
Cards Against Humanity released a special holiday expansion pack in December 2012, allowing users to choose their price. The endeavor earned $70,066.27 in profit, which the makers donated to the Wikimedia Foundation.

Hay una version online aca. Les dejo una partida online

Se puede desgar un pdf con las cartas aca
