NetherRealm Studios announced this morning that a complete version of Injustice: Gods Among Us is set to hit numerous platforms next month. Entitled "Ultimate Edition", this version will come with all existing DLC, (costumes, characters, and S.T.A.R. Lab missions), seeing a November 12 release in the US, and will begin releasing on November 29 in Europe.

Not only is Injustice Ultimate Edition expected to hit PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but we can also expect a release on Sony's next-gen PlayStation 4, the handheld PS Vita, and even PC. Pricing information is as follows: Xbox 360 / PS3 / PS4 - $59.99 USD
PC - $49.99 USD
PS Vita - $39.99 USD...

Eventualmente lo compraré, aunque de los juegos nuevos de pelea es de los que menos me hypea.