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Tema: AMD Mantle lanza kit de desarrollo publico en 2015. Invita a Intel y Nvidia a usarlo Gratis.

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  1. #1
    Editor Avatar de eelnico09
    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014

    AMD Mantle lanza kit de desarrollo publico en 2015. Invita a Intel y Nvidia a usarlo Gratis.

    During the presentation by AMD’s Richard Huddy at PDXLAN, the Gaming Scientist revealed that AMD is still on track to release the Mantle SDK publicly this year. Which would mark the exit of the groundbreaking API from the BETA stage.

    What’s perhaps more thrilling is that AMD has stated that both Nvidia and Intel are free to use the API as they please. In fact Richard Huddy encouraged both Nvidia and Intel to do so. He stated that AMD will not ask for licensing fees or impose any such restrictions. According to the Gaming Scientist, AMD’s welcoming its competitors to adopt Mantle simply because it offers a better experience for developers and most importantly gamers.

    AMD’s Public Mantle SDK is Coming Out This Year – Nvidia And Intel Are Free to Use it
    According to AMD, once the public Mantle SDK is out, both Nvidia and Intel can write and release drivers that would enable the close-to-the-metal API on their hardware on all Mantle enabled games. Whether they choose to do so or not however is completely up to them. We know Intel is certainly interested in AMD’s proposition, as it had already approached the company about Mantle earlier in the year.

    Richard Huddy went on to state that currently there are over 100 game development teams who have signed up for Mantle. According to Huddy that’s more than double the developers from summer of 2014. Currently there are over 20 games which have launched with Mantle support or are currently in development. As well as ten publicly announced game studios and four game engines which include Frostbite 3, CryEngine, Asura Engine and the Nitrous Engine. You can find a complete list of all current and upcoming games with Mantle support by our friends at

    Link de los futuros juegos que soportaran Mantle:

    Link noticia completa:

    Bueno mantle sale de la etapa beta oficialmente. Personalmente me gustaria saber la respuesta de Nvidia a esto, y como sería el tema, ya que yo no investigue mucho del tema, pero pense que era algo exclusivo de las tarjetas de video AMD.
    Y buena noticia para los que están con el hype de Dragon Age: Inquisition, ya que mantle esta confirmado para el juego que sale ahora dentro de poco.


    Ahora que me doy cuenta era mas facil poner que mantle salia de la etapa beta, que traducir el titulo del articulo... bueh, ya era jaja, si algun mod quiere editar un titulo mas simple que lo haga :P

    Última edición por eelnico09; 13-11-2014 a las 09:08 AM

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