Salió de la alpha, igual con los cambios recientes mepa que lo dejo de jugar. Se volvió muy LoL...

Publisher Deep Silver has begun beta testing the free-to-play Dead Island: Epidemic, and it needs your help putting the zombies through their shambling paces.
As its name would suggest, Dead Island: Epidemic is a spin-off of Techland's Dead Island franchise. Instead of a first-person action game, Epidemic drops players into a multiplayer online battle arena (think: League of Lesbians) populated by the same walking corpses that make up the supporting cast of the core Dead Island series. Cooperative teamwork is key to surviving the undying hordes, but when your teammates fail you, you can also rely on over-the-top DIY weaponry, another hallmark of the Dead Island games.
Gaining access to the closed beta is as simple as visiting the game's website and filling out a quick registration form. Those who participate in the beta test will be able to earn "exclusive in-game items and rewards" that will carry over into the eventual retail incarnation of Dead Island: Epidemic.

Básicamente en los últimos cambios podemos COMPRAR nuevos personajes, como en el LoL. Lo cual a mi me disgusta muchísimo, porque cuanto más jugas > más plata ganás > mas personajes podés comprar > jugas con ventaja > BULLSHIT
Seas pro, manco, juegues bien o mal, cuanto más juegues vas a tener mas chances de ganar, como en cualquier MMORPG masomenos...