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cual era la justificacion para que no estuviese disponible la PS4 Store uruguaya?
Sony Entertainment Network is constantly working to bring products and services to as many countries as possible. This has enabled Sony Entertainment Network to bring our network services to more than 60 countries across the world and PlayStation Store is available in more than half of these countries. We appreciate that as some services are available only via PlayStation Store, some of our customers who do not have access may be frustrated by this. We regret that we are unable to introduce PlayStation Store in some countries at this time and we hope that explaining some of the reasons for this will go some way to lessening your frustration.

The set-up of new stores requires significant investment and to cater to so many markets we have to consider a range of factors, including customer demand, PlayStation ownership, Sony Entertainment Network usage and to a large degree local domestic broadband cost and speed. Where these factors may limit the benefits to customers of PlayStation Store, this will delay its introduction.

Additionally each country has its own regulations and laws governing online services with which we must comply when introducing a new store. This means that we can only launch stores in countries where it is possible to do so. We have found that this issue has specifically delayed plans to open PlayStation Store in a number of countries.

We are doing everything we can to bring PlayStation Store to your country and we will let you know via as soon as we open a version of PlayStation Store in your country.