Cita Iniciado por Freeman Ver mensaje
A este juego nunca le di la oportunidad que se marece, principalmente porque al poco tiempo de haber empezado a jugar sacaron el dlc pago y me callo para el reverendo ogt asi que lo deje.
Cada tanto veo noticias que me llaman la atencion pero esta me sorprendio porque no sabia que el juego pudiera tener tanta profundiad.



Over 8,000 Elite Dangerous pilots are embarking on an incredible 18-week journey

Thousands of Elite Dangerous players—over 8,000, according to the sign-up sheet—are preparing to embark on another incredible voyage across the Milky Way. The destination is Beagle Point, some 65,279 light years from Earth, past the galactic core, at the very edge of the galaxy. The journey is expected to take 18 weeks, and like last time, casualties are expected.

The first Distant Worlds expedition also targeted Beagle Point, retreading the journey taken by Commander Erimus and the DSS Beagle—hence the name of the destination. Though the target remains Beagle, the hope is that Distant Worlds 2 will bring new discoveries and accomplishments.

"With the advent of new scanning and mining technologies, along with the most comprehensive database of knowledge the explorers of the centuries have gathered being released to the public, the sun is rising on a whole new Age of Discovery," reads Erimus' Distant Worlds 2 mission statement. "The Codex talks of profound mysteries; unfound, unseen, unknown. The call of the black is on us, and it’s time for us to blaze a new trail once again in the largest expedition ever organised. Join us as we journey through the heart of the Milky Way, to the other side, old grounds, through the furthest reaches of exploration and science, to discover these mysteries beyond the distance. To work as a team, to share the excitement, to create memories of a kind we can’t yet fathom."

The expedition is set to begin on January 13, at which point the fleet, which includes solo fliers and groups, will begin traversing the galaxy from the Pallaeni system, meeting at waypoints each weekend to share exploration data and celebrate with events and games before embarking on the next leg.

The Beagle Point run is considered the second most treacherous solo journey in Elite, and this will be the largest group effort to make the run. To facilitate the journey, a variety of departments will handle logistics, repairs, mining, cartography, industry and more. One goal is to build a science research station near Sagittarius A, the center of the galaxy and the site of a supermassive black hole. Once the station is completed, the Distant Worlds 2 expedition will continue the trek.

If you want to take part, you'll either need a ship with a minimum jump range of 34 light years or passage on a multi-crew ship. I'm content to watch from afar, though with a tinge of envy for those who are able to participate in such a grand, shared journey. You can learn more about the expedition on the Elite Dangerous forums.
El tema es que el juego en si no tiene tanta profundidad, se la dan las comunidades alrededor del mismo.

Lo bueno de esto es que los desarrolladores le dan bola a la movida que tiene la comunidad ( tanto en los foros oficiales del juego como reddit) y desarrollan cosas acorde a esto, o a veces desarrollan eventos apuntando a que la comunidad se mueva por fuera del juego.

Es como un juego de ROL arriba del mismo juego de elite.

Podes jugarlo solo o en multi y sin darle bola a estas cosas o unirte al roleplay que le da la comunidad y descubiri todo un nivel diferente del juego mismo.