Ver la versión completa : Vote for FIFA 15 Leagues

12-04-2014, 01:11 PM
encontré una votación para agregar ligas al fifa 15, no es oficial pero esta bueno poder darle un par de votos a uruguay que aparece en la lista.


mas que nada la gracia es ver a uruguay un poco mas arriba de países como Bangladesh, marruecos, kasagistan que no saben lo que es una pelota

12-04-2014, 01:18 PM
voté por Uruguay, pero creo que me agradaría más ver la Liga de Turquía que la uruguaya... para lo perros q son los equipos uruguayos...

Which league should be licensed for FIFA 15?

Turkish League (9%)
Turkish League -> 9% (112,537 Votes)
Moroccan League (8%)
Moroccan League -> 8% (106,534 Votes)
Algerian League (7%)
Algerian League -> 7% (84,508 Votes)
Egyptian League (7%)
Egyptian League -> 7% (83,580 Votes)
Malaysian League (7%)
Malaysian League -> 7% (83,530 Votes)
Ukrainian League (5%)
Ukrainian League -> 5% (64,146 Votes)
Venezuelan League (5%)
Venezuelan League -> 5% (58,595 Votes)
Iranian League (5%)
Iranian League -> 5% (57,925 Votes)
Hungarian League (4%)
Hungarian League -> 4% (52,155 Votes)
Peruvian League (4%)
Peruvian League -> 4% (48,598 Votes)
Indonesian League (4%)
Indonesian League -> 4% (48,351 Votes)
Czech League (4%)
Czech League -> 4% (48,066 Votes)
Chinese League (4%)
Chinese League -> 4% (46,450 Votes)
German 3rd League (3%)
German 3rd League -> 3% (42,670 Votes)
Israeli League (3%)
Israeli League -> 3% (41,618 Votes)
Kazakhstan League (3%)
Kazakhstan League -> 3% (37,346 Votes)
Indian League (3%)
Indian League -> 3% (35,475 Votes)
Bulgarian League (3%)
Bulgarian League -> 3% (35,120 Votes)
Ecuadorian League (3%)
Ecuadorian League -> 3% (34,008 Votes)
Bangladesh League (2%)
Bangladesh League -> 2% (31,320 Votes)
Uruguayan League (2%)
You Have Voted For This Choice - Uruguayan League -> 2% (21,318 Votes)
Tunisian League (2%)
Tunisian League -> 2% (20,032 Votes)
Finland League (2%)
Finland League -> 2% (19,535 Votes)
Libyan League (1%)
Libyan League -> 1% (11,581 Votes)
Romanian League (1%)
Romanian League -> 1% (11,333 Votes)
Slovakian League (0%)
Slovakian League -> 0% (4,340 Votes)
Hong Kong League (0%)
Hong Kong League -> 0% (3,600 Votes)
Japanese League (0%)
Japanese League -> 0% (2,656 Votes)
Singapore League (0%)
Singapore League -> 0% (2,481 Votes)
Serbian League (0%)
Serbian League -> 0% (2,085 Votes)
Uzbekistan League (0%)
Uzbekistan League -> 0% (1,805 Votes)
Greek League (0%)
Greek League -> 0% (1,730 Votes)
Afghan League (0%)
Afghan League -> 0% (1,405 Votes)
Brazilian Serie B (0%)
Brazilian Serie B -> 0% (1,176 Votes)
Paraguayan League (0%)
Paraguayan League -> 0% (907 Votes)
Qatar League (0%)
Qatar League -> 0% (709 Votes)
Lithuanian League (0%)
Lithuanian League -> 0% (696 Votes)
UAE League (0%)
UAE League -> 0% (649 Votes)
South African League (0%)
South African League -> 0% (410 Votes)
Scottish Lower Leagues (0%)
Scottish Lower Leagues -> 0% (387 Votes)
Dutch 2nd League (0%)
Dutch 2nd League -> 0% (373 Votes)
Croatian League (0%)
Croatian League -> 0% (331 Votes)
Albanian League (0%)
Albanian League -> 0% (329 Votes)
Bosnian League (0%)
Bosnian League -> 0% (294 Votes)
Cyprus League (0%)
Cyprus League -> 0% (232 Votes)
Welsh League (0%)
Welsh League -> 0% (211 Votes)
Bolivian League (0%)
Bolivian League -> 0% (197 Votes)
Nigerian League (0%)
Nigerian League -> 0% (195 Votes)
Canadian League (0%)
Canadian League -> 0% (164 Votes)
Vietnamese League (0%)
Vietnamese League -> 0% (72 Votes)
Thai League (0%)
Thai League -> 0% (68 Votes)
Macedonian League (0%)

13-04-2014, 12:49 AM
ya meti un voto mas, vamos que ya casi alcazamos a la interesante liga de Kazakhstan