Ver la versión completa : The Arena: Unreal Tournament

20-10-2014, 06:13 PM
Bueno vi este video y me hizo acordar de muchas cosas.


The Arena. It's a blink canvas for duelers,
to them it's an art-form, an art-form that is displayed in beautiful but merciless fashion.
Fluent movements, seamless executions, brilliant predictions and masterful timing.
But it's not all about the victory, it's about what has to be done to GET the Victory.
It's about self-discovery, maximizing your abilities and cracking away of that chink
in your opponents armour. Some duelers have paid masterpieces in the arena.
180° twitch shots, mid-air flak balls, expertly placed rockets, lift-jump combos, demoralizing goo frags... I've seen it all.
It's been 15 years since the founding of deathmatch. While many things have changed, there is one thing that will never change.
The time has once again come to prove YOU are the best, to crush you enemies, to win the TOURNAMENT.

Vamo que se viene el 4

20-10-2014, 06:37 PM
Que groso video