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Ver la versión completa : Asus y Acer podrian llegar a fusionarse

21-09-2013, 06:08 PM

Se rumorea que las dos empresas taiwanesas, Asus y Acer podrian llegar a fusionarse.

Mergers and acquisitions are nothing new in the business world, and sometimes, they are seen as crucial as well as essential so that the industry is able to consolidate and offer a better range of services to its customer base. For instance, we do know that Microsoft has purchased Nokia quite recently, but what other buzz do we hear where the mobile world is concerned? Apparently, there are whispers going around that Acer and ASUS could potentially merge. Both of these companies hail from Taiwan, and ASUS Chairman Johnny Shih did respond to a question concerning a possible merger between the two, where he mentioned that the industry happens to be in a transition period, and people should keep “an open mind” when it comes to mergers. Shih did have a penchant to talk about organic growth for ASUS in the past, but this is a refreshing turnabout. ASUS’ bread and butter, the sales of motherboards, isn’t exactly doing gangbusters, and ASUS seems to focus more on mobile devices recently, so a merger with Acer might benefit both companies. Of course, these are just rumors as at press time, but the market did react favorably to this rumor, with the respective share prices of both companies going up.:

Fuente: ubergizmo (
Otras: unwiredview ( | androidayuda (

En lo personal siempre me gustaron las dos marcas, sintiendo que asus esta un poco sobrevaluada y la segunda no tan querida.... Si la fusion se da, podria una dedicarse a atacar el sector high end y la otra al low-end