Ver la versión completa : Romero's Aftermath MMO

26-03-2015, 05:10 PM
me llego este mail, copio y pego


Welcome to Romero's Aftermath Early Access Alpha !

Romero's Aftermath is the spiritual successor to the infamous yet very popular zombie survival game Infestation: Survivor Stories formerly known as WarZ. The development team behind Infestation wanted to create a new experience for Infestation/WarZ players making sure to keep best parts of the game that made it popular, while avoiding controversial decisions and plain stupid mistakes that were previously made...

Unfortunately, it was impossible to make the modifications to the existing game under the partnership with Infestation's publisher – OP Productions LLC. We had to leave and start from scratch.

We do believe that what we’ve got is potentially one of the greatest zombie survival games on the market, and we want to make sure that all Infestation players are be able to try it for themselves. To make this happen we’re making this game FREE to all Infestation players.

Everyone who has an active account in Infestation will be able to create a free account in Romero's Aftermath as soon as game reaches Open Beta. In the meantime we invite you to take a peek at the game by joining us in the Early Access Alpha

As a thank you to the most active Infestation players that supported us over the last 3 years, we’ve created a special FREE founders package so that you can try Romero's Aftermath without spending any money on an Early Access Founders Package.

Romero's Aftermath is a unique fruit tree bearing over three years of experience working on Infestation and seeing all the good, the bad and the ugly while making Romero's Aftermath to be better in all aspects.

Please check the following videos showcasing the most important changes we have made to the game

Romero's Aftermath Introduction
Last man standing, PVP servers, PVE servers
Character customization
Weapons, ammo and skins
Safezones & Reputation
Player Respawn System
Base building & ownership
Medical, traps, gardens, campfires
Crafting, disassembly, blueprints
Storage & Minimap



estos locos la siguen robando xD y la gente sigue jugando... son unos cracks clap clap


26-03-2015, 05:37 PM
Es el infesteichon no?

26-03-2015, 05:54 PM
que hijos de puta, es la misma mierda

26-03-2015, 08:21 PM
Pah.. ni gratis lo pienso jugar

01-04-2015, 03:43 AM
Unos genios jajaja