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Tema: First Official AMD R9 290X Benchmarks Surface vs NVIDIA GTX 780 First Official AMD R9

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  1. #1
    Avatar de BloodElf
    Fecha de ingreso
    Jul 2013

    First Official AMD R9 290X Benchmarks Surface vs NVIDIA GTX 780 First Official AMD R9

    Although the official launch is still days away a few sites have been granted permission to A) acknowledge that they have the card in their possession and B) show one or two benchmarks, as for now at least 2 major games has surfaced showing how the card performs against a GTX 780. Mind you this is not a Titan comparison, but a GTX 780.
    NVIDIA just announced their own new GTX 780Ti in Canada earlier today and that might be why AMD is loosening up on NDA restraints and allowing some scores to be shown. AMD was very specific that the only numbers it’s approving come from BioShock Infinite and Tomb Raider. We’re only able to show you R9 290X compared to the GTX780, and only at 3840×2160, but Toms Hardware ran the tests in their lab and this is what they have come up with thus far.

    Y en Amazon podemos comprar la 280X por este ~precio

    Incluso la 280X esta interesante y para armar CF encararia

    Última edición por BloodElf; 19-10-2013 a las 01:07 AM

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