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Tema: Israel le declara la guerra a Hamas

  1. #161
    Sponsor Avatar de SEndero Luminoso
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    Apr 2014

  2. #162
    Sponsor Avatar de SEndero Luminoso
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    Apr 2014

  3. #163

    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014
    hasbara, ministerio de PROPAGANDA NAZI, digo isreali, trabajas ahi sendero cuanto pagan? digo si pagan bien cambio la narrativa.
    Última edición por casta; 25-11-2023 a las 11:32 PM

  4. #164

    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014

  5. #165
    Sponsor Avatar de SEndero Luminoso
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    Apr 2014

    Danielle Haas editora y periodista en Human Rights Watch por 13 años...

    Danielle Haas’ farewell email to her colleagues @hrw:

    Dear Human Rights Watch,

    Because we live in dangerous times and this is a human rights organization dedicated to free speech, open dialogue, and rights for all, I’m sending a final email before leaving HRW. I’m hopeful, but wary, that an organization with a mission to “Expose. Investigate. Change” can do just that when it comes to its own practices regarding its Israel work, with authenticity and without retaliation.

    When I joined Human Rights Watch over 13 years ago as senior editor, I did so with years of experience in journalism covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and time in academia.

    Human Rights Watch seemed to be a good blend of both; a leading human rights organization dedicated to rigorous research, focused on international law and human suffering, with a mandate to bring about change. I believed in, and stayed for, the broader mission.

    But as the organization grew and its composition shifted, so too did the focus, tone, and framing of its Israel-Palestine work. Following the Hamas massacres in Israel on October 7, years of institutional creep culminated in organizational responses that shattered professionalism, abandoned principles of accuracy and fairness, and surrendered its duty to stand for the human rights of all.

    HRW’s initial reactions to the Hamas attacks failed to condemn outright the murder, torture, and kidnapping of Israeli men, women, and children. They included the “context” of “apartheid” and “occupation” before blood was even dry on bedroom walls. These responses were not, as some have since characterized it internally, a messaging misstep in the tumult after the Hamas assault. It was not the failure of a few to follow robust internal mechanisms of editing and quality control, as others have claimed.

    It did not happen in a vacuum.

    Rather, HRW’s initial response was the fruition of years of politicization of its Israel-Palestine work that has frequently violated basic editorial standards related to rigor, balance, and collegiality when it comes to Israel.

    It was the expression of years of select historical and political framing that could always contextualize and “explain” why Jewish Israeli lives were lost in Palestinian violence.

    And it was the domination of HRW’s Israel-Palestine work by some voices that drown out others to the point where those who feel uncomfortable with HRW’s approach and processes – and they do exist – feel silenced.

    To be clear: focus on, and criticism of, Israeli policies and actions is valid for a human rights organization.

    But what I know from over 13 years at HRW is:

    * Israel has featured in the World Report annual global review of human rights I oversaw for more than a decade almost as extensively as world powers including China, Russia, and the United States, and that the Israel-Palestine chapter has always been longer than those of rights-abusing goliaths such as Iran and North Korea.

    * The 2021 “Apartheid” report, hailed internally in its goal to affect “narrative change,” sealed the slide. HRW knew its careful, legal argument would rarely be read in full. And there is little doubt it has not been by those – including Hamas supporters – who now bandy about the term with appalling ease. It’s a one-word gift to those who want to characterize Israel in as few words as possible with as little nuance as possible, a go-to “context” for any fate that befalls Israel and Jewish Israelis; 120 HRW researchers recently signed a petition calling for its inclusion in a press release about Israeli hostages.

    * Internal fora nominally dedicated to both Israel and Palestine were, in practice, mostly dedicated to expressions of outrage over Israeli abuses and their consequences, both real and speculated. The focus on Israel dominated those spaces both before and after October 7, including the links shared; the space given to colleagues to articulate their lived realities and trauma; and ultimately advocacy.

    * Some types of Israeli-Palestine expertise were valued more than others. There was no value placed on having a Jewish Israeli staff member who spoke Hebrew, had covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for international media, a rich academic background, and 17 years’ immersion in the country. The profile of those entrusted with HRW’s-related work is different. The only contact I had with Israel-Palestine content over the years, despite working on virtually every other area of the world, was as World Report editor. I received thinly veiled insinuations and pushback when I highlighted factual inaccuracies in the Israel-Palestine chapter that were later corrected.

    * HRW has so little credibility for most Israelis they do not even trust it with their corpses. Zaka, the emergency responder group that collected body parts after the Hamas massacres, said it did not want to talk to HRW because its members did not have faith the organization would not misuse and distort their eyewitness accounts of the carnage they had seen.

    * When I named the constellation of my experiences over years to a senior manager as feeling a lot like antisemitism, he replied: “You are probably right.” He did not ask or do anything further.

    Three weeks after the October 7 massacres, Human Rights Watch told staff it was “proud” of its response to the crisis.

    The self-affirmation failed to address output that included, but is not limited to:

    HRW’s first matter-of-fact announcement following the October 7 massacres that barely addressed what had happened, contrasting starkly with its thousands of statements over the years condemning a range of human rights abuses:

    “Palestinian armed groups carried out a deadly assault on October 7, 2023, that killed several hundred Israeli civilians and led to Israeli counterstrikes that killed hundreds of Palestinians,” Human Rights Watch said in releasing a questions and answers document about the international humanitarian law standards governing the current hostilities.”

    An early press release that could easily be construed as blaming the victim:

    “The unlawful attacks and systematic repression that have mired the region for decades will continue, so long as human rights and accountability are disregarded.”

    A piece on Israeli attacks on Gaza being devastating for Palestinians with disabilities that failed to mention the devastating impact of Hamas’ attacks on Israelis with disabilities. They included those murdered on October 7, among them a 17-year-old girl with muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy killed at a music festival; those who are now disabled because of the attacks; and Israeli hostages with pre-existing health conditions ranging from heart problems to diabetes.

    Lack of context when using controversial figures that came from a Hamas-run ministry:

    “[Washington Post] Reporter Adam Taylor quoted Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch Omar Shakir, who said, “Everyone uses the figures from the Gaza Health Ministry because those are generally proven to be reliable. In the times in which we have done our own verification of numbers for particular strikes, I’m not aware of any time which there’s been some major discrepancy.”

    It is not logical, not possible, and not the case that everyone at HRW agrees with its pre- and post-October 7 Israel work or feels safe. Instead, it is a deeply worrying indication that staff are self-censoring because they fear isolation if they speak and that nothing will be done even if they do. It is a warning that they are cowed by the way in which critics of Human Rights Watch are talked about internally, and by the tone and content of banter before and during meetings, in listservs, and in message chats.

    Maybe they’re also not reassured by responses like the one senior management sent me regarding a recent email I sent them, in which they said they “appreciate” my “feedback” and “learn” from it.

    I hope so, but I doubt it.

    The serious professional concerns I raised over the years with the Program Office, General Counsel, and MENA managers never went anywhere. They were always received – it appeared – through a filter of me being a Jew and/or Israeli, even though Muslim and Arab staff and those with overt political backgrounds are trusted as advocates and to oversee research.

    Also, my comments are not “feedback.”

    Rather, they amount to a charge and a challenge to Human Rights Watch: tackle the long-standing issues infecting your Israel work and the hostile internal climate that Hamas’ attacks brought into sharp relief but did not birth. Face down the conscious and unconscious biases that inform them. Address inaccuracies by omission.

    Do so not because you are under pressure to be seen to be listening, but because you respect the professionalism and expertise of your many thoughtful, serious colleagues from diverse backgrounds who cannot do their work without fear of stigma and retaliation if they speak.

    Do so because you care about the health of the organization, upholding your internal standards, and ensuring human rights advocacy is not a fig leaf for political beliefs, or worse.

    Do so because you want not just to claim your mantle of moral authority, but to earn it.

    Última edición por SEndero Luminoso; 26-11-2023 a las 03:39 AM

  6. #166
    Sponsor Avatar de SEndero Luminoso
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    Apr 2014
    Robert L. Bernstein fundador de Human Rights Watch OP-ed del 2009...

    AS the founder of Human Rights Watch, its active chairman for 20 years and now founding chairman emeritus, I must do something that I never anticipated: I must publicly join the group’s critics. Human Rights Watch had as its original mission to pry open closed societies, advocate basic freedoms and support dissenters. But recently it has been issuing reports on the Israeli-Arab conflict that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state.


    Leaders of Human Rights Watch know that Hamas and Hezbollah chose to wage war from densely populated areas, deliberately transforming neighborhoods into battlefields. They know that more and better arms are flowing into both Gaza and Lebanon and are poised to strike again. And they know that this militancy continues to deprive Palestinians of any chance for the peaceful and productive life they deserve. Yet Israel, the repeated victim of aggression, faces the brunt of Human Rights Watch’s criticism.

    The organization is expressly concerned mainly with how wars are fought, not with motivations. To be sure, even victims of aggression are bound by the laws of war and must do their utmost to minimize civilian casualties. Nevertheless, there is a difference between wrongs committed in self-defense and those perpetrated intentionally.


    Only by returning to its founding mission and the spirit of humility that animated it can Human Rights Watch resurrect itself as a moral force in the Middle East and throughout the world. If it fails to do that, its credibility will be seriously undermined and its important role in the world significantly diminished.

  7. #167
    Avatar de quasivan
    Fecha de ingreso
    Dec 2014
    La Hass y el Bernstein son Judíos. Que más decir.

    Como el dicho ese de sacar la cabeza x la ventana para ver si llueve, cada uno tiene que escuchar ambos lados y sacar sus propias conclusiones.

    Yo hace rato entiendo la situación de Palestina y Gaza es una de constante violación de sus derechos humanos por parte de Israel genocida y robatierras.

    Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk

  8. #168

    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014
    si russia o cualquier pais hubiera matado 6000 niños en ucrania o en cualquier otro lado ya era la 3era guerra mundial, pero bueno manda el dinero, lo bueno que nadie les cree las mentiras ya(como los 40 niños decapitados que nunca paso(hasta la casa blanca se retracto, pero estuvo en todos los canales del mundo y las fotos echas por IA o de otros conflictos) hasbara.
    Última edición por casta; 26-11-2023 a las 03:59 PM

  9. #169
    Sponsor Avatar de SEndero Luminoso
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    Apr 2014
    Unapologetic: The Third Narrative

    It is time for a new voice to rise concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are two Palestinian-Israeli Citizens, who are unapologetic about our views, and our vision for a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians. Join us as we record as the war is going on in Israel and Gaza, as we delve deep into the roots of the war, and the way forward.

  10. #170
    Avatar de mbr386
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    Apr 2014
    Cita Iniciado por casta Ver mensaje
    si russia o cualquier pais hubiera matado 6000 niños en ucrania o en cualquier otro lado ya era la 3era guerra mundial, pero bueno manda el dinero, lo bueno que nadie les cree las mentiras ya(como los 40 niños decapitados que nunca paso(hasta la casa blanca se retracto, pero estuvo en todos los canales del mundo y las fotos echas por IA o de otros conflictos) hasbara.
    puaj, perdidazo estoy. links de las fotos y noticias al respecto ?
    A esta altura ya no me extraña todo lo que mencionas sobre lo de los niños

  11. #171
    Avatar de quasivan
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    Dec 2014
    Lo de Biden es muy fuerte si. Halucina más que chatgpt el veterano.

    Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk

  12. #172
    Avatar de LordPoisoN
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    Aug 2015
    Barros Blancos
    Cita Iniciado por quasivan Ver mensaje
    Israel genocida y robatierras.

    Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    Pero justamente en Gaza no hubo problemas de robar tierras.
    Donde los hay es en Cisjordania, donde irónicamente no hay presencia de Hamas.

    Enviado desde mi MAR-AL00 mediante Tapatalk

  13. #173
    Relato de gente "común" que va, por cuestiones de fe, a dar ayuda y ser testigo de la vida. El relato es estar ahi, mucho tiempo... no es repetir cosas que un fan de youtube dice (que siempre termina siendo el asunto , ¿a quien le crees? , yo por lo pronto, a los terroristas no les voy a creer, a un narcotraficante tampoco, al ejército isrealí tampoco, a los fanáticos isrealíes que dicen que Waters en Nazi .. tampoco)

    Conozco una persona que participó hace más de 10 años y escuché algún relato en su momento, más o menos lo mismo que se relata acá.

  14. #174

    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014
    Cita Iniciado por quasivan Ver mensaje
    Lo de Biden es muy fuerte si. Halucina más que chatgpt el veterano.

    Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    yo no me guio por esos datos, busco info en otros sitios mas oficiales, trato de ser imparcial pero todo lo que dice la idf es llana y lisa una mentira, el misil que cayo en un hospital resulta que lo tiraron del norte de gaza q estaba ocupada por israel y uno de los tres videos que mostro la idf era del 2022, los 40 niños decapitados por hamas, hasta el uruguayo judio mitomano no lo pudo confirmar(o sea q es mentira), me baso mas en la info de los propios judios que no todos son sionistas, incluso aprendi buscando info que los que son fieles a la religion ni quieren un estado de israel porque son contrarios a las escrituras de ellos, los ortodoxos mismo incluso lo dijeron en la onu, en 1948 un rabino ahi es cuestion de buscar y informarse, o sea me guio mas por la prensa pro israeli que de cualquier otro medio, pero como es un desastre la mentira y el aparato mediatico no pasan 2 dias que se cae a pedazos todo lo que afirman, y veo y escucho las declaraciones de los mandatarios israelies que mas parece un discurso de la ss que otra cosa, lo que mas me dejo helado fue el nakba, basicamente mataron todo lo que habia los veteranos de esa epoca del ejercito israeli lo confimaron se ve que la conciencia
    les peso mas, hasta dicen donde los enterraron.

    hasta el congreso de estados unidos reconoce el nakba, busquen un documental que se llama tantura, ahi hay testimonio de soldados de idf de 1948, narra los asesinatos y violaciones de adolescentes que hicieron, la conciencia les peso mas.
    Última edición por casta; 28-11-2023 a las 08:59 PM

  15. #175

    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014
    aca esta el documental tantura, son testimonios de judios de esa epoca los que van quedando, veanlo y saquen sus propias conclusiones, la mia que a diferencia de lo que paso en latinoamerica, que la independecia fue contra potencias extranjeras europeas, la fundacion de israel fue un proceso de colonizacion matando a la poblacion nativa, literal mas que independecia fue colonizacion y reconocimiento de independecia no tiene nada xq no eran colonia de nadie.
    Última edición por casta; 29-11-2023 a las 02:45 AM

  16. #176

    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014
    aca las "vistimas" con niños cantando vamos a matar a todos y no va haber nada en gaza, a pero macri
    Última edición por casta; 01-12-2023 a las 02:46 PM

  17. #177
    Moderador Global Avatar de ShonaZan
    Fecha de ingreso
    Jul 2013
    aflojenle con los videos loco, ta bien que estamos al pedo pero nadie los mira

    pastel fiu fiu

  18. #178
    Sponsor Avatar de SEndero Luminoso
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    Apr 2014
    Cita Iniciado por ShonaZan Ver mensaje
    aflojenle con los videos loco, ta bien que estamos al pedo pero nadie los mira


  19. #179

  20. #180

    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014
    Según el comunicado, los buques, llamados "Unity Explorer" y "Number Nine", fueron atacados con un misil naval y un dron, respectivamente, tras rechazar mensajes de advertencia.
    "La operación de ataque se produjo después de que los dos buques rechazaran los mensajes de advertencia de las fuerzas navales yemeníes", dice el comunicado. Esta acción forma parte de los esfuerzos en curso para impedir que los buques israelíes naveguen por los mares Rojo y Arábigo hasta que cese la agresión contra Gaza, añadió.
    "Las Fuerzas Armadas yemeníes renuevan su advertencia a todos los barcos israelíes o asociados con israelíes de que se convertirán en un objetivo legítimo si violan lo establecido en esta declaración y en declaraciones anteriores emitidas por las Fuerzas Armadas yemeníes".

    queda en la entrada sur del mar rojo, no entiendo cual es el sentido del post, salvo q quieras decir que el conflicto esta tornandose regional, en gaza no tienen la infrastructura para eso. o sea esta arabia saudita en el medio hay una gran distancia. o sea tiran un dron y un misil a 2300 km y es justificativo para seguir bombardeando? a pero macri

    si un pais te dice no pases por mis costas en cualquier lugar del mundo se entiende, otra muestra del colonialismo.
    Última edición por casta; 03-12-2023 a las 07:54 PM

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