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Tema: Gravity's Rainbow

  1. #1
    ex Cold Trash Avatar de Løan
    Fecha de ingreso
    Sep 2013

    Gravity's Rainbow

    Gravity's Rainbow is a 1973 novel by American writer Thomas Pynchon.

    A lengthy, complex novel featuring a large cast of characters, its narrative is set primarily in Europe at the end of World War II and centers on the design, production and dispatch of V-2 rockets by the German military, and, in particular, the quest undertaken by several characters to uncover the secret of a mysterious device named the "Schwarzgerät" ("black device") that is to be installed in a rocket with the serial number "00000".

    Traversing an immense range of knowledge, the novel transgresses boundaries between high and low culture, between literary propriety and profanity, and between science and speculative metaphysics.

    The novel shared the 1974 U.S. National Book Award for Fiction with A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Although selected by the Pulitzer Prize jury on fiction for the 1974 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, a single passage involving coprophilia offended the other members of the Pulitzer board, who rejected the selection. No Pulitzer Prize was awarded for fiction that year. The novel was nominated for the 1973 Nebula Award for Best Novel.

    TIME named the novel one of its "All-Time 100 Greatest Novels", a list of the best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005[4] and it is considered by some critics to be one of the greatest American novels ever written.
    Winner of the 1974 National Book Award

    “A screaming comes across the sky. . .” A few months after the Germans’ secret V-2 rocket bombs begin falling on London, British Intelligence discovers that a map of the city pinpointing the sexual conquests of one Lieutenant Tyrone Slothrop, U.S. Army, corresponds identically to a map showing the V-2 impact sites. The implications of this discovery will launch Slothrop on an amazing journey across war-torn Europe, fleeing an international cabal of military-industrial superpowers, in search of the mysterious Rocket 00000, through a wildly comic extravaganza that has been hailed in The New Republic as “the most profound and accomplished American novel since the end of World War II.”

    Es una novela más o menos reciente y bastante conocida, no sé si alguno de acá la leyó, pero en caso de que no se las recomiendo ampliamente. A menos que la traigan del exterior, recomiendo más bajarla que comprarla ya que en librerías no se consigue sino traducciones.
    También se puede comentar sobre otras novelas de Pynchon para evitar abrir múltiples temas.

    Referencias a la novela se ven frecuentemente en la cultura popular

    Última edición por Løan; 02-05-2015 a las 06:45 PM

  2. #2
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015
    No la conocia, ahora que busque para ver de que iba me quede con ganas de leerla. Cuando termine Dracula la leo. Gracias por compartir.

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