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So I just moved into a new apartment, and made a big discovery.

The kitchen/living room has high ceilings: it's a very old building.
Got all the essentials set up.
The kitchen/living room has high ceilings: it's a very old building.
It really is a mezzanine, it's more of a bunk bed than a bedroom. Cosy.
Nice functional shower room.
Hang on.. What's this?
Looks like a hatch. This wasn't in the lease.
Opening it...
Oh, a bit of underfloor storeage for some tools and old paint cans. Pretty unexciting. Of course there couldn't be a secret dungeon complex under my bog-standard studio I rented for small money, that only happens in poorly-written movies.
Hang on a second...
This can't be true, that's definitely a staircase.
We have a dungeon. We have a dungeon. At this point I couldn't believe my luck, and was completely freaked out since it was so unexpected. I suspected the dungeon stretched beneath the entire building, so I sealed the hatch (with the bathroom door wedged over it) and awaited backup.
Got a friend, and proceeded. There is a proper 19th century layout of corridors and hatches beneath.
To the right of the corridor, underneath the neighbour's room.
Friend examining the end of the corridor. It stretches further, she said.
But wait, what's up there? Only noticed this when reviewing the photos, could be a hidden space upstairs between apartments, or else an illusion caused be a collapsing ceiling. To be investigated.
This is on the left of the corridor. Beautiful vaulted ceiling. Didn't get a good look though the hatch yet.
Random graffiti. People have been here this decade.
The basement space is beautiful. Four walls, albeit a bit damp, and a somewhat solid floor. Great headroom down here.
Curious shape in the corner. Bed, or crypt, it'll make a good seat for a potential home cinema, or else for a dungeon party.
Furnishings. Sacrificial altar?
There's a hole in the middle of the room, with very soft dirt. Possibly recently disturbed.
The staircase back up to the apartment. The builders have been down here when the place was being renovated a few years ago, but it seems completely uninhabited since. No mention in the lease. This appears to be the only staircase to the dungeon. I'm debating my next move. More exploration needs to be done, but it's very scary living above it alone.

La verdad como el OP, me daria un poco de miedito.. pero no deja de estar de mas encontrarse eso.. por un alquiler de dos pesos.. y poder aprovecharlo..

Lo primero que haria es:
Revisar bien que no haya otra entrada.
Ponerle una buena cerradura a la puertita.
Esperar a que llueva.. a ver que pasa ahi abajo..

Luego de cubiertos esos tres puntos arreglar todo un poco para aprovecharlo a full!

home theater
gaming room
ping pong

lo que no me da mucha confianza tampoco es el cablerio que corre por el techo, que debe ser de las otras casas.. y di algun dia pasa algo me van a descubrir xD