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Tema: InstaDoom (Selfie mod para Doom)

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  1. #1
    Avatar de Reizor
    Fecha de ingreso
    Jul 2013
    Xbox Live

    InstaDoom (Selfie mod para Doom)

    InstaDoom es un mod para Doom que agrega filtros de istagram y selfies los resultados son muy bizarros.

    Descripción del mod

    If you just can't get enough of taking pictures
    of your food and making it look more magenta,
    InstaDoom is for you! Play Doom with any of the
    37(!) official Instagram filters! Memento Mori
    with Mayfair! Requiem with Rise! Icarus with
    Inkwell! Alien Vendetta with Aden or Valencia!

    ALSO INCLUDES: Selfie Doom! Indulge your
    narcissistic urges even in the deepest corners of
    Hell! Banned in South Korea!

    Note that the Selfie Stick replaces the BFG, but
    all chainsaw and BFG item placements are swapped,
    so you can pick up the Selfie Stick on Map01
    ASAP. Since the Doomguy doesn't have to worry
    about lugging around the BFG, he can also carry
    50% more plasma ammo!


    Thread de Instadoom en Doomworld

    Descarga del mod
    Última edición por Reizor; 16-02-2015 a las 09:07 AM

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