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  1. #11
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015
    Info de lo que se viene en la CitizenCon.

    Lo mas interesante sin duda va a ser el "planetary procedural generation tech" 2.0
    Esta tecnología ya había sido presentada 2 años atras pero ahora vamos a tener una demo técnica en un planeta parecido a la tierra.

    • 4:00 - Updates in the immediate future, Arena Commander update, Star Marine and FPS system refactoring.
    • 6:50 - Alpha 3.0 initial discussion, including brief detailing of professions, gameplay, and locations/worlds.
    • 8:40 - Procedural Planets V2 information, including discussion on artist authoring, world-building techniques, and planetary biomes.
    • 10:00 - Biome details (specifically), height maps, and distribution maps.
    • 11:55 - Weather systems in Procedural Generation V2.
    • 14:20 - Artist hands-on with every single plan, artist production pipeline and time required to make planets.
    • 15:10 - Scheduling challenges and planet-building that meets stretch goals.
    • 16:50 - Biome rulesets, edge blending, avoiding carbon copy planet generation.
    • 21:20 - What will be shown at CitizenCon?
    Última edición por Freeman; 27-09-2016 a las 11:14 PM

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