Me acabo de cruzar con esto que invento un pibe x en otro lado, me parecio genial, la verdad que seria el mejor cierre que podria tener el GOT actual.

Bran- it didn't happen as they thought it would, did it?
Meera Reed- I wouldn't say so, but when did you learn all of this?
Bran- as soon as i became the 3 eyed raven.
Also bran- I'm glad you brought me here beyond the wall, we couldnt have done this in winterfell...
Meera- so you're sure about doing this?
Bran- you know what happened after the night king was defeated don't you? The same people who united to fight the common threat started to fight amongst themselves again...
Meera- can't argue on that..
Bran- the peace we have now is temporary, it will always be for years to come... Only we know how to stop that.
Meera- it will be years before the people stop needing the night king to unite themselves.
Bran- only we know the night king's true purpose, so lets keep it that way and just get on with it
Meera- are you sure about this?
Bran- i am, this world needs the night king much more than it needs the 3 eyed raven.
Meera-(cries) please go easy on them
Bran- (smiles) the last one did, what makes you think that i won't?
Meera- (sticks dragonglass inside brans chest)
Bran- (eyes begin to turn blue)

Me vinieron chillss