It appears that there is some confusion regarding the free FIFA 14 game offer for those yet to pre-order an Xbox One console. It was widely thought that all future hardware pre-orders in Europe would get the game for free, but Microsoft has now changed their tune by confirming that the offer will only apply to those buying the Day One Edition bundle.

It means that if you pick up the Xbox One standard edition between now and the console’s launch date, you won’t get a digital version of FIFA 14 for free. Given that the Day One Edition is now almost sold out in most places, this may be perceived as a bit naughty of Microsoft.

Especially when Microsoft’s Xbox Twitter account originally said that ALL pre-orders of the Xbox One console would get FIFA 14 for free, regardless of Day One edition or Standard edition. Unfortunately though, it appears that Microsoft has deleted that Tweet in question but it said something like this:

“All pre-orders come with FIFA 14 in Europe, Ian. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Day One console or not.”

So to make it clear to everyone, this offer is for Europe only and you’ll need to rush out to pick up a Day One Edition somewhere in order to get a free copy of FIFA 14.

As far as we’re aware, there has been no similar incentive, to offer a free game for those picking up the Day One edition in the US.

What are your thoughts on this move by Microsoft? A bit sneaky, or not? If you can still get your hands on a Day One edition, there’s no problem – we do feel for those who have already pre-ordered a standard edition in the last week or so though. No FIFA 14 for you in that case.

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Parece que hubo una confusion respecto al FIFA 14 ofrecido con el preorder de la consola. Se pensaba que todas las que estaba incluido gratis con todas las preorders en Europa, pero Microsoft ha cambiado su discurso, confirmando que la oferta solo aplica para los que compren el Day One Edition bundle.