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Tema: AMD Reduce precios de r9 290 y 290x un 25%

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  1. #1
    Editor Avatar de eelnico09
    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014

    AMD Reduce precios de r9 290 y 290x un 25%

    With the release of the GeForce GTX 900 series Nvidia dropped a little bomb on pricing, especially with the GeForce GTX 970. This product is hurting AMD exactly in the R9 290 and 290X range. As such you will slowly start to notice a price drop for these two products, you can expect them dropping by a margin of 25%

    The Radeon R9 290 is dropping slowly but steadily from 399 USD towards 299 USD, and the big daddy R9 290X was priced at 549 USD and now is shifting towards 399 USD.

    By lowering the prices AMD hopes to make their product more attracktive in pricing and by doing so they will further push the competition. Obviously with the AMD cards you will still be entitled towards included free games.
    Era obvio, aunque igual no creo que cambie mucho el panorama puesto por la gtx 970.


    Gigabyte R9 290 299$
    Última edición por eelnico09; 07-10-2014 a las 09:17 AM

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