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Tema: (PC) Simuladores de autos

  1. #41
    Cita Iniciado por 206xr Ver mensaje
    Jajajajajajaaj es para el equipo que haya otra por algun invitado no es por ser rata si ya tengo s2 :P
    Fuera de joda, la regalaría si no estuviese ligada a mi usuario o si se pudiese cambiar el nombre de usuario.
    MacBook Pro 14" | LG CX 55"

    PS5 | Nintendo Switch | T500RS | T-LCM | T.16000M HOTAS | Playseat Challenge

  2. #42
    Avatar de 206xr
    Fecha de ingreso
    Nov 2014
    Le borras todos los pb y queda 0km reemplazas el email de tu correo y ya no tiene que ver mas nada con vos yo le compre una s1 a un guacho de cerolag y la uso pa andar de camufla jajaja igual no pasa nada tendre que comprar otra :P

  3. #43
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015

  4. #44
    Avatar de Feddor
    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2015
    Pah.. :baba:

  5. #45
    Avatar de TryXanel
    Fecha de ingreso
    Aug 2013
    Trantor, Second Foundation
    Toda la pinta la verdad. dan ganas de pegar volante

  6. #46
    Ya hay reviews circulando.

    Si estuviese en la PSN store capaz que ya lo hubiese comprado, pero dado que no está y que estoy armando PC nueva, me parece que lo bajo trucheli así veo si me convence y lo compro en steam.
    MacBook Pro 14" | LG CX 55"

    PS5 | Nintendo Switch | T500RS | T-LCM | T.16000M HOTAS | Playseat Challenge

  7. #47
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015
    Justamente lo estoy bajando trucho para ver que onda.
    Si te estas armando una pc aprovecha a comprarte una 970 que te regalan el The Witcher 3 y el Batman Arkham Night

  8. #48
    Avatar de TryXanel
    Fecha de ingreso
    Aug 2013
    Trantor, Second Foundation
    Ya anda en la vuelta crack de la version final??

  9. #49
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015
    de donde yo lo baje ya viene incluido

  10. #50
    Desde donde se recomienda bajarlo?

  11. #51

    Fecha de ingreso
    May 2015
    Está genial, seguramente que cuando salga a la venta Gran Turismo no tardará en responder y lo tendrá que hacer con algo contundente ya que Proyect Cars parece ser sólido en todos los aspectos.

  12. #52
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015
    Paso por mp.

  13. #53
    Cita Iniciado por Freeman Ver mensaje
    Justamente lo estoy bajando trucho para ver que onda.
    Si te estas armando una pc aprovecha a comprarte una 970 que te regalan el The Witcher 3 y el Batman Arkham Night
    Ya compré VGA.

    Cita Iniciado por Luisgamer Ver mensaje
    Está genial, seguramente que cuando salga a la venta Gran Turismo no tardará en responder y lo tendrá que hacer con algo contundente ya que Proyect Cars parece ser sólido en todos los aspectos.
    Lamentablemente no creo que el GT7 esté cerca de salir, para mi con suerte sale en diciembre 2016.
    MacBook Pro 14" | LG CX 55"

    PS5 | Nintendo Switch | T500RS | T-LCM | T.16000M HOTAS | Playseat Challenge

  14. #54
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015
    Bueno, lo descargue, lo jugue y me encanto. No lo eh podido probar a fondo pero esta divino, eso si, con todo al mango me tira 20fps, veremos que pasa con la 970. Hay 3 modos de juegos, en los 2 primeros maso menos se puede usar un joistick en el simulador no. Los graficos divinos, el sonido me gusto, sobretodo el de los coches nascar, la variasion en el clima es impresionante, cantidad de coches y pistas es aceptable, nada del otro mundo pero esta bien. Tambien esta el sistem de daños pero como me puse a sacar fotos en el modo dificl me descalificaban por tratar de darme palo jajaja. Pero para mi lo que se lleva el premio es la camara del casco, muy muy buena. Yo que se para no ser un fanatico de los juegos de autos ya estoy sacandole la tierra al MOMO.

    Algunas SS.


  15. #55
    Moderador Global Avatar de ShonaZan
    Fecha de ingreso
    Jul 2013
    descarganding. muchos juegos nuevos de autos me estan haciendo perder el control sobre la billetera y el g27 me llama
    pastel fiu fiu

  16. #56
    Están muy lindas las screens, pero después de jugar al DriveClub dudo que me impresionen los gráficos.
    MacBook Pro 14" | LG CX 55"

    PS5 | Nintendo Switch | T500RS | T-LCM | T.16000M HOTAS | Playseat Challenge

  17. #57
    Avatar de Diablo
    Fecha de ingreso
    Jul 2013
    Como se ve eso lpm

  18. #58
    Bueno, para bajar un poco el hype, opinión de Matt Orr (Empty Box)

    Good gravy this game. Just.... LOL. I was playing this game the last week or so prior to release and I kept getting struck by the fact I don't think anything has actually improved at all over the last months. I thought I saw improvements, they surely did something... but the game(play) itself is still... what it is. Yes, a month or two ago I said the game could be good. There IS a core in there that could not suck... but this game right now is a 7 at absolute best in my book, and I think I'm crazy for even giving it that considering the hype.

    In case you are wondering, my early access backing involvement was more or less to be able to lurk and check it out occasionally, essentially backing the project so it would happen. I paid for my copy and access early on, not one of those promo things they've given out a few times.I knew what to expect going into this (This isn't a post of "damn, it didn't live up to my own hype")...

    So let's start off with remember kids, don't get Ian Bell'd.

    Here's my review before I get around to getting more seat time - though I did have the early access and none of this is surprising outside the fact the game still suffers from things that were obvious months ago and are core items. PC version, Fanatec CSW v2, max difficulty, no assists.

    Let's start with AI. This game has a career mode, it's a cornerstone item for Project CARS. That means the AI absolutely MUST be solid, otherwise half the game might as well not exist. Poor AI would just mean the career mode was a waste of development time.

    First off, AI is absolutely batshit insane to the degree of feeling like you are racing a field of drivers that would only be believable if Takuma Sato and Francesco Dracone could somehow have a baby. Crazy, wildly insanely aggressive but yet totally clueless but yet knows their place once you assert you are the only one with a clue around these parts. You can just casually drive them off the road, they don't give a shit at all, it's hilarious driving someone else into the grass because they can't hold a line against you. Driving down the straights with the AI is fun, they just totally submit to your will. "Yes master, I shall take the agricultural route for you sir. I will now vacate the racing surface master. I am honored to go through the grass at 150 MPH sir."

    They still are totally incapable of getting off the line even semi decently, most starts I gain at least 3 spots before Turn 1, where gaining 5-6 more isn't unheard of. I actually spent a good bit of time just restarting races from the back of the pack, it's a fun little challenge trying to dodge them and keep the car clean - good iRacing practice.

    There is also the bonus fact that almost every track has a corner or three where the AI just can't figure out how to go through there at any sort of speed. The second right hander (bottom of the hill) at Donington Park is one of the worst offenders I've seen, I've both buried my nose in the bumper of an AI countless times and have made more passes than I can count before the next right hander.

    I'm not even joking on this - the AI in this game is sliiiiiiightly better than AC's. It really is worse in many regards, but it atleast goes for a pass!

    No comment multiplayer wise... I was in a lobby tonight... warmup ended.... and then the game crashed. Though everyone was baffled by the UI it seemed and totally confused as to what was going on. Driving standards were naturally horrid, I think even though 20 people were in a session only a few besides me turned a clean lap - and those that did were 3 plus seconds off my pace.

    The UI though, it is indeed a mess.

    Weather is another big feature - and I still am incredibly unconvinced. Might as well be dry track, no need for wet lines, tons of grip and apparently curbing is still just as grippy as usual. (again, this is the type of thing I was expecting to be tidied up) Gotta love pounding over the curbs at Tetre Rouge in the rain and watching the car just totally ignore the anti cut thingies and zoom on at full throttle like nothing even happened. There is no way in hell you can convince me that the way cars drive in the rain is anywhere close to real, no way in hell. I've walked on painted pavement, it's slippery. We all have. This is common knowledge, race cars don't magically gain more grip because it's a slippery surface. Wet grass? Not even more slippery than dry grass.

    Also - wipers are overrated - windscreen never gets rainy enough to really matter much unless you have someone behind you at night.

    Which, well... there is no back to your cockpit. LMPs and I believe every GT car in the game in the real world have bulkheads behind the cockpit which prevent the car behind blinding the driver with their lights. Not in Project CARS. Acceptable in rF2 and rF1 based games because they "look like crap" and aren't trying to hide it, not so much in a game that is supposed to be so mind blowingly amazingly pretty.

    Graphics themselves are a total mixed bag. Tracks still look and feel as if they were left in the last gen. Yes development switched from 360/PS3 to XB1/PS4, but the tracks still look and feel PS3 era. Folks, there is a reason a lot of the really pretty shots of this game feature a tight zoom on the car, and it is a very good reason.

    In the right weather and time of day yes, it is stunning, but at the same time it still feels incredibly gamey graphically. It's like the new Battlefield games - might be "pretty", but are really odd looking at the same time.

    Now the good news :

    It drives decently, and actually the road supercars have improved a bit in one way or another since I last drove them, where they made me want to uninstall the game. Still quite bizarre to drive - it's almost like driving in the winter : imagine if the rear tires are on ice at turn in, then you instantly start driving through some heavy snow. Lots of rotation, then it just stops. It's like you have Stretch Armstrong for your sidewalls or something.

    Race cars though are believable enough on the GT and LMP side of things though, not really tried out the Formula cars since a few builds ago. That said, the Trans Am Mustang drives like a 3 legged dog, it just wants to pop onto it's outside rear tire and have you drive through the corner on throttle alone - kind of reminds me of an Team Redline setup.

    On the setup note, you do have all the options you would expect and many you would not - such as individually tweaking gear ratios on a street McLaren 12C for example... I'm sure many owners do that. Many! Setup options do make an effect, though sadly every default setup I've tried is easily whooped on by just a few basic adjustments. Not surprisingly, the sets are for pad users, a few clicks for wheel users to stiffen up the cars will result in A) a better driving experience and B) about a second off of your lap times.

    On the race car front it's enjoyable enough for a game of this type. Street cars are easily enough avoided so it's not a major deal - if you want street cars anyways go buy Assetto Corsa, not this game.

    FFB gets my approval. I actually really liked the feel with the default profile, no tweaking required. Reminds me a lot of RealFeel for rFactor / Game Stock Car Extreme. Not to mention, there is a HUGE amount of options to tweak, so even if you can't stand it out of the box eventually you should find something.

    Overall, I don't think this game does anything better than the titles already available on PC, outside weather and graphics (occasionally). There are still far too many loose ends and things that still need fixing that have needed fixing for a long while, giving me pretty much zero faith (coupled with SMS' less than stellar reputation) anything is actually going to get fixed.

    Not a chance this game will be a GT / Forza killer on consoles IMO - this is a game that people may enjoy, but they will play for 3 months and then forget they ever played it in the first place. It might find a home on PS4 given the lack of competition though.

    Honestly, arcade games can be fun. Hardcore racing games (what I call games most would consider "simcade", which is a term I can't stand) can be fun. Sims are my preferred but I can appreciate other things. This game though... it wants to be a good racing game. It should be a good racing game. It could have been a good racing game. Instead... not impressed.

    Honestly, if it weren't for the video thing I have going now I would have gotten a refund a long while ago. Even if I didn't get a refund, I wouldn't have purchased this game knowing what I knew (knowing the game needed FIXES that SMS probably wouldn't deliver). That's what I have to say on it.

    Don't get Ian Bell'd guys
    Hay que tener en cuenta que las impresiones de cada uno van a variar muchisimo dependiendo de los juegos que acostumbra jugar. Si para el de PCGamer es un 83, que para Matt Orr sea un 7 no me parece disparatado.
    Última edición por plidex; 07-05-2015 a las 11:07 PM
    MacBook Pro 14" | LG CX 55"

    PS5 | Nintendo Switch | T500RS | T-LCM | T.16000M HOTAS | Playseat Challenge

  19. #59
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015
    Las criticas en este tipo de juegos siempre van a diferir unas de otras y yo por eso nunca les doy bola sin embargo este juego a sacado buenos puntajes en la mayoria de las revistas especializadas y en Metacritic saco un 85. Otras revistas como 3d juegos prefieren probarlos a fondo antes de dar un veredicto lo cual me parece lo mas serie.
    Quien es Matt Orr?

  20. #60
    Avatar de MINDZID
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2014
    No se ustedes, pero a mi me mato la poca sensación de velocidad que me trasmite,
    voy a 250 y parece que fuera a 90...

    Y ta, juego 10 minutos y me aburre mal.
    Matemáticamente, tenemos chance. (c)

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