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Tema: Amy Hennig deja Naughty Dog

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    Jul 2013
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    Amy Hennig deja Naughty Dog

    Amy Hennig, the creative director and writer on the Uncharted series, has left developer Naughty Dog.

    Numerous trusted sources close to Naughty Dog have verified Hennig’s departure from the studio. She was writing and leading development of Uncharted PS4. Her final day at the studio was Monday, March 3.
    Sources claim Hennig was “forced out” by The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, and explained that Uncharted may now come under their control.
    Hennig recently celebrated her 10th anniversary with Naughty Dog, where she served as director and writer on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Her work was recently profiled in IGN’s The History of Naughty Dog.

    In a conversation with IGN, Sony’s Scott Rohde, the man in charge of software development for PlayStation’s roster of first party studios, said that Hennig’s exit wasn’t quite as dramatic as it seems.

    Amy’s one of my favorite people,” he noted. “I love Amy. How can you not love Amy, right? She was an amazing contributor to Naughty Dog and PlayStation. I’m always going to have the deepest admiration for her. But things change, and sometimes change involves very high profile individuals. That’s all that’s happened here. There’s nothing else. There’s no more to dig at.

    Pressed for more information on the fact that Hennig was seemingly fired – our sources note that she didn’t leave on her own accord – Rohde said that he’s “never going to agree with the term ‘pushed out’” when it comes to Hennig.

    I’m gonna go back with what I said before, and say that, again, people change, business changes, things change. And again, it just happened to involve a very high profile individual right now.”

    Both Rohde and accompanying Sony PR reiterated that Hennig’s departure from Naughty Dog wouldn’t hinder Uncharted 4’s progress, and that its development “is unchanged completely.

    Amy Hennig deja Naughty Dog, hubieron algunos debates sobre si ella se fue o si fue despedida, pero al parecer fue todo en buenos términos, simplemente se necesitaba un cambio, y que ésto no va a dificultar el desarrollo de Uncharted 4.


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